urgent care for anxiety

Two out of six people experience anxiety at some point in their lives.
When we see others happily spending time with family and friends, we often wonder if they’ve ever faced anxiety.

How do they manage to take life so lightly and enjoy it without feeling anxious? It’s a common thought that many of us have.
Anxiety is something we encounter frequently, especially when unpleasant things happen.

So, try to alleviate the anxiety by applying some natural means and consulting with a health professional.

Urgent Care for Panic Attacks and Anxiety

When you’re scared or anxious, urgent care is there to help.
It’s a place where we understand how you’re feeling and can give you help right away.
We’ll check things out, figure out what’s going on, and help you know what to do next so you can start feeling better.
So, if you’re having a panic attack or feeling really anxious, don’t worry.
Just head to urgent care — they’ll take good care of you and help you feel better fast.

Anxiety Attack Vs. Panic Attack

If you’re having symptoms like anxiousness or fear and can’t figure out if it’s an anxiety or panic attack – then let’s go over their differences so you can understand what you are experiencing.

Anxiety Attack Panic Attack
Symptoms are usually mild and gradual. Symptoms hit suddenly and intensely.
Triggered by stressors and lasting hours/days. Seem to appear randomly, lasting minutes.
This can occasionally occur with an anxious person. Marked and recurring panic period for panic disorder.
Excessive worry and fear of future events. The feeling of impending doom, loss of control.
Does not involve high physical symptoms. A strong physical component that feels like an emergency.

Can You Go to Urgent Care for Anxiety – Learn About It

Can urgent care treat anxiety? Absolutely, and if you’re dealing with anxiety, you’ll find relief here.
At Urgent Care, we handle all mental health concerns as part of primary care.
Our professionals carefully listen to you, thoroughly assess your situation, pinpoint the root cause, and then treat you with utmost politeness.
Finally, they recommend the best solution for your mental health.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us – we’re here and ready to help.

Whether you have questions, need more information, or want to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact us.
Our team is dedicated to providing support and guidance for your health and well-being.

Anti-Anxiety Medications – A Brief Overview

To cope with the anxiety, some people use medications as part of their treatment plan.
There are several options available, and here are some anxiety urgent care meds commonly used:

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs are a type of medicine that helps with feelings of anxiety and depression.
They work by increasing a chemical called serotonin in the brain.
In addition, some people find that taking these medicines helps them feel less anxious.
These drugs are not addictive, but when you start taking them, you might notice some side effects.


Benzodiazepines are a kind of medicine that helps calm your brain by working with a messenger called GABA.
This makes your brain less active and can ease both physical and mental anxiety.
Nevertheless, here’s the thing: these medicines might make you want to take them frequently, and that’s not good because it can become a habit.
Due to this, doctors usually don’t suggest using urgent care anxiety meds for too long as they may be addictive and cause severe side effects as well.


Beta-blockers are medicines that help the heart. They’re usually for things like high blood pressure.
Surprisingly, doctors sometimes use them to help with anxiety, even though they weren’t officially approved for that by the people who check medicines.
However, doctors might still suggest them because it makes sense medically and can be helpful.

Can Urgent Care Prescribe Anti-Anxiety Meds?

Some anti-anxiety medications can be prescribed by urgent care centers on a short-term basis for acute symptoms.
The prescription of urgent care anxiety medication doesn’t follow strict rules.
It depends on your personal history, health situation, and the symptoms you’re experiencing.

However, certain patients may be more inclined to get a prescription. There are two specific situations:

  • People are experiencing sudden and severe anxiety or panic attacks that need quick relief. You’ll be prescribed medication if it’s deemed necessary for immediate relief.
  • People who have run out of their prescribed medication. In such cases, they might get a short-term prescription to cover the gap.

What are the 3 3 3 rules for anxiety?

The 3-3-3 rule for anxiety is a grounding technique that helps you manage anxiety in the moment by bringing your focus back to the present.
It involves engaging your senses to distract yourself from intrusive thoughts and overwhelming emotions. Here’s how it works.

1. Focus on 3 things you can see.

Look around your environment and name three specific objects you can see. Pay attention to details like color, shape, texture, or any unique features. Observe them with curiosity and focus.

2. Focus on 3 things you can hear.

Listen attentively to your surroundings and identify three distinct sounds. It could be anything from birds chirping to the hum of a refrigerator.
Tune into the different tones and rhythms.

3.Focus on 3 things you can touch/move.

Feel your body and the objects around you.
Notice three things you can touch, like the texture of your shirt, the smoothness of a table, or the coolness of a glass of water.
Then, move three body parts, like wiggling your toes, clenching and unclenching your fists, or rolling your shoulders.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using the 3-3-3 rule:

  • Take your time: Don’t rush through the exercise. Focus on fully experiencing each sound, sight, and touch sensation.
  • Be present: Avoid thinking about the past or future. Stay focused on what you can see, hear, and touch right now.
  • Repeat if needed: If you find your mind wandering back to anxious thoughts, gently redirect your attention by repeating the 3-3-3 steps.
  • Combine with other techniques: The 3-3-3 rule can be used alongside other anxiety management strategies like deep breathing or mindfulness meditation.

Final Thoughts

When you feel your anxiety getting worse, it’s important to see a healthcare professional.
If you’re considering urgent care for anxiety, talking to a professional can make a big difference.
They’ll help you understand what’s going on and provide support to make you feel better, easing your anxiety over time.
Seeking professional help is a positive step in the right direction


Can I go to urgent care for anxiety?

Yes, you can go to urgent care for anxiety. They can provide timely evaluation and support for anxiety-related concerns.

Can urgent care prescribe antidepressants?

Yes, urgent care can prescribe antidepressants — however, it’s a short-term prescription so patients can find relief.

Can you go to urgent care for depression?

Yes, you can go to urgent care for depression. They can offer initial evaluation, support, and guidance.

Will urgent care prescribe benzos?

Urgent care may prescribe benzodiazepines in certain cases for immediate relief of anxiety symptoms, but they often avoid long-term prescriptions due to the risk of dependence.

Can walk-in clinics prescribe anxiety medication?

Yes, walk-in clinics can prescribe anxiety medication based on the patient’s assessment and immediate needs, but long-term management is usually recommended through primary care or mental health providers.

Can urgent care prescribe psychiatric meds?

Yes, urgent care can prescribe psychiatric medications for immediate relief, but ongoing management is often referred to mental health specialists for comprehensive care.

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