Does kratom show up on a drug test

Kratom is a popular alternative to prescribed painkillers. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an estimated 1.7 million Americans aged 12 and older used kratom in 2021.
But here’s something: Kratom isn’t legal everywhere, and it’s not routinely regulated under the Controlled Substances Act. So yes, it might be legal in some places, but heavy restrictions could be there.
Now here’s the big part. Does kratom show up on a drug test?
For an answer, continue reading.
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What Is Kratom?

It’s a tropical tree from Southeast Asia. Its active parts can give mood boosts and soothe inflammation. For centuries, people have used Kratom as a typical medicine.
It has recently been used to treat conditions like chronic pain and the difficult process of tapering off opioids. Some even use it to feel euphoric.
There are plenty of ways to take Kratom—through extracts, eating the leaves, or making tea. Also, you can find it in shops as capsules or powder.

Is Kratom Legal?

The FDA hasn’t approved any Kratom products. These include over-the-counter or prescription drugs with kratom or its main chemicals, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. Thus, there are no legal Kratom products in the US.
Yet, some states approve sales. Nevada, Utah, and Georgia are among them. Yet, in others, it’s illegal. There is no law against it, but there is also no law against having it.
Right now, you can get Kratom online or from stores in certain states. But if you use Kratom, be sure to stay informed about relevant laws and rules. These are changing all the time.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in the Body?

Kratom comes from a tree in Southeast Asia. It can both stimulate and relax, depending on the amount. But we’re not sure about the length and depth of these effects. What is known about Kratom could fit in a nutshell!
Kratom’s key player is mitragynine. Like an opioid cheerleader, it kicks the opioid receptors into gear. That’s how it gets a reputation as an opioid stand-in. Mitragynine takes a trip through your belly and hits its stride in less than sixty minutes. Later, your live­r steps in, turning it into leftovers known as me­tabolites.

Studies show that mitragynine, kratom’s main active ingredient, has a half-life of around 24 hours. However, flush-out periods might stretch to approximately 40 hours. Typically, kratom lingers in the body for about 6–9 days. The time it takes to express the drug could be affected by different factors.

  • Dosage and method of administration: Higher doses usually last longer. How long kratom stays in the system can depend on how it’s taken. Taking it by mouth might make it stay detectable longer than other ways of using it.
  • Leaves: Kratom leaves come in different forms, each with its own strength and impact. Green leaves act more softly, and their effects can stick around for eight hours. On the other hand, white leaves are pretty buzz-giving, and their impacts can be felt for several hours.
  • Weight and age: Older people may require more time to process the drug due to slower metabolisms. It might take them a little longer to metagenize medicine. In the matter of mitragynine—a key component of kratom—the fat-soluble nature gives a similar experience to THC in marijuana for those carrying a bit more body fat. They might feel effects for a more extended duration.
  • Diet: If you consume kratom without eating anything, it may not stay in your system as long compared to when you have it after a large meal.

Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

In the US, kratom is somewhat new and legally accepted in certain states, so testing for it isn’t a usual practice. Normal 5- to 10-panel tests used by companies to assess potential employees won’t pick up kratom. These tests, though, will screen for amphetamines, opioids, marijuana, and other common drugs.
There are specific tests that can detect kratom, such as chromatography methods or urine tests specifically designed to find mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine.
Most standard drug tests don’t target kratom. However, kratom’s metabolites may cause false positives for other substances in drug screenings.

Does Kratom Show up on a 10 Panel Drug Test?

Standard 10-panel drug tests did not find kratom. These tests often check for substances like marijuana, cocaine, opioids, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines.
But they don’t look for kratom’s active compounds, mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. Specialized drug tests are an exception—they can detect kratom however, such tests are not that common.

How Long Does Kratom Show up on a Drug Test?

Kratom remains detectable in a drug test for about 5 to 7 days post-use. This period depends on use-specific elements like metabolism rate and dosage, and often users consume them.
Further, the type of technology implemented plays a crucial role. Special kratom tests, designed to identify active ingredients like mitragynine, can trace it within this duration. Yet routine drug tests usually do not detect kratom hence, a dedicated test is required.

Kratom Drug Testing Detection Windows

Kratom’s newfound popularity and the advanced tests to find it mean we require complete knowledge of how long it shows in urine, blood, hair, and saliva.
In general, these tests have long detection windows. A saliva test might catch drug use right away or a few days later. Hair could pick up on drug addictions even months later. Experts believe these tests would work the same way for Kratom.

Wrap It Up

Does kratom show up on a drug test?
Kratom isn’t typically found in common drug tests like the 10-panel one. However, specific tests that seek out compounds like mitragynine can spot it.
It can stay in the body for up to 5 to 7 days after use. This timeframe can vary based on things like dosage and metabolism rates. If you’re worried about drug tests and using kratom, remember that typical tests usually won’t detect it. Still, more targeted tests potentially could.


  1. Does kratom show up on a 5-panel drug test?

No, it doesn’t. These tests primarily check for drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opioids, amphetamines, and PCP they don’t detect kratom’s active elements like mitragynine.

  1. Does kratom show up on a hair drug test?

Yes, kratom shows up if the test is a substance deliberately made to detect mitragynine, a component of kratom. These hair tests can identify substance use weeks after consuming but are customized specifically to track kratom.

  1. Does kratom show up on a urine drug test?

Not in the usual ones. But if the test is created for kratom detection, it’ll find compounds like mitragynine and 7-hydroxy ones, generally within a week of usage.

  1. Does kratom show up on a drug test?

It is not detected in regular ones like the 5 or 10-panel ones. Only special drug tests meant for kratom detection can pick it up. These specific tests aren’t widely used but can be asked for in certain scenarios.

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